Windfern Forest MUD Building

14410 Mauna Loa
Houston, Texas 77040

​​​​​​​​Windfern Forest MUD Building
14410 Mauna Loa at Gessner
Houston, Texas 77040

​Please click here to see the 2025 meeting schedule.

​​Please click here to see the 2025 meeting agendas.

Ask the Board

Got a question or concern for the Board of Directors? Please click here to submit a question to the board.


Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors is as follows:

President               Merrell Greene          281-925-9093


Vice President     Chad Overton             713-408-4121

Secretary                Brian Loeb                     713-530-8338


Treasurer           Greg Patterson


Director               Steve Barnhart               832-535-0622



​The Homeowners Association Board of Directors

The Woodwind Lakes Homeowners Association Board is made up of 5 directors elected at the annual homeowners meeting held in October.  Each director is elected to serve a two-year term and is charged with the duties outlined in the Amended By-Laws of Association of Woodwind Lakes Homeowners, Inc. Deed Restrictions (Article VII, Section 1) that is provided to every homeowner who purchases a home in our community. The board oversees all the architectural requests, capital projects, budget, and works with a Property Management Company and the Grounds Committee on the overall maintenance of the common properties.

The 5 member board oversees the needs of the 631 households and common areas in the community. Although the directors are elected, it is a non-paid voluntary position and requires commitment and time. The HOA Board meets on the 3rd Thursday of every month at the Windfern Forest MUD building (14410 Mauna Loa at Gessner). The executive board meets at 5:30 pm. At 6:30 pm, residents are invited for an “open discussion”. The board is here to address the issues of our community and wants to hear your concerns.